• 10:00 am - 06:00 pm
  • Coimbatore. Chennai. Bangalore. Delhi. Calicut. Berlin. Warsaw.


Course Description

Public law affects several parts of our day to day lives; this includes, for example, immigration, health, the environment and education. In its most basic terms, the role of public law is to regulate the relationship between the state and individuals. In addition, public law refers to the state’s special powers to run the country; meaning its power to enforce, apply, implement, make, repeal and amend the law.Public interest lawyers perform a number of different roles and tasks to promote access to justice.

Some common activities include offering free legal services, providing community education, or undertaking law reform and policy work. The promotion of access to justice is not the exclusive province of lawyers. In fact,  endeavors to implement social and legal change are most effective when lawyers and other professionals collaborate. Public interest law therefore provides a fantastic opportunity for lawyers and law students to cooperate and work with other professionals in multidisciplinary endeavors. Example types of work for a public interest lawyer: Community Legal Education, Law Reform and Policy Work, Strategic Litigation, Campaigning, Clinical Legal Education, Legal Advice, Casework, Legal Writing.

Duration Bachelor's -3 Years Master's -1.5 to 2 Years
ELIGIBILITY: Minm.60 % in Academic
FEES: Minm. Rs.0 - Maxm. 1.65 Lakhs / Year (Fee Depends upon University and Country)

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