• 10:00 am - 06:00 pm
  • Coimbatore. Chennai. Bangalore. Delhi. Calicut. Berlin. Warsaw.


Course Description

The Product Service System Design programme aims at training highly qualified designers who may deal with the complexity of a product-service system (PSS) that is an integrated blend of products, of communication strategies, of services and of spaces.  

PSS designers will be trained to work in team, to collaborate with experts and professionals from other fields, to broker different languages and to work in highly competitive international contexts.  

The Product Service System Design programme develops in the participants the skills to creatively conceive and to manage integrated product, service, event and communication strategies, by using a wide design toolkit and by employing basics of project management, supply chain management, sustainability, anthropology and ethnography, communications and media.  

Career Opportunities

Career opportunities for the graduate in Product Service Systems Design are within the traditional design industry, as well as in service design, in retail design, in brand design, in art direction, in trend analysis, in UX design and research.

Duration Bachelor's - 3 Years Master's - 1.5 to 2 Years
ELIGIBILITY: Minm.60 % in Academic
FEES: Minm. Rs.0 - Maxm.3.2 Lakhs / Year (Fee Depends upon University and Country)

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